Contact us

Would you like to know more about our custom-made washing machines or do you have a question for our specialists?

Then fill out the form and we will contact you as soon as possible. Of course, we can also be reached at the phone number below. 

Contact information

Mafo Industrial washing

Rientjesoven 24
7621 HG Borne


+31(0) 546 580 212

Company information

KVK: 06048199
VAT: NL003900319B01

Why do our clients choose MAFO

The best quality

With 50+ years of experience and 8 year warranty we offer the best quality. Many of our customers even do 15-20 years with the same machines!

Global coverage

Low maintenance required due to use of stainless steel and other high-quality materials.

Custom solutions

All MAFO systems are customized solutions with your needs and requirements as the starting point.


We ensure that you are always 100% satisfied, even after the machines have been delivered.